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Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
As at 14th March 2025 13:25 GMT
Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 18:19, 22nd January 2025
See also a specific topic on the subject of the Portishead line, at .

I'll do a bit more of my 'moving and merging' of posts, simply in the interests of clarity, continuity, ease of future reference, blah, blah. 

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by Red Squirrel at 12:14, 22nd January 2025
According to this article,

Sir John [Armitt], who is chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), which advises the Treasury, said ministers should consider funding dozens of highway projects up and down the country as a result, rather than seeking to funnel road users on to the railways.

Which is all very depressing.

However it does go on to say:

The NIC has said that spending on new tram systems, or the expansion of existing ones, would be justified only in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds and Bristol.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by anthony215 at 12:06, 22nd January 2025
There's now talk in the telegraph that a number of rail projects are supposed to be getting the.chop except for hs2, east-west rail etc.

Considering the work done and money already  spend on it if the Portishead project gets the chop I expect a major backlash.

I do think keeping it going and actually open it is an easy project and not that expensive in the grand scheme of things plus the benefits to the local economies

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by anthony215 at 20:26, 2nd October 2024
We asked GWR quite early on whether it was possible to terminate local services at Bristol Parkway, and got a firm 'no'. I seem to remember the factors were junction capacity, platform capacity, and the undesirability of establishing a service pattern which would have to be unpicked when Brabazon and Henbury open.

It's not clear whether TfW's proposed half-hourly Cardiff - Bristol stoppers would call at Ashley Down - if they did, it would be transformative, leading to a proper 4 tph metro-style service when combined with the 2 tph Henburys.

GWR suggest Filton Abbey Wood as an interchange, although with 2 tph to BPW and quite long connections it's not great; for example ASD - YAE gives journey times of around 40-50 mins, of which over half an hour is spent kicking your heals at FIT. Still quicker that the bus, but could be a lot better.

I think TFW will only run sn hourly service to Bristol TM along with an additional service to Gloucester as part of the proposals for. New local stations between Severn tunnel junction and Cardiff Central although I doubt we'll see all of them being built. Eg Llanwern  or Magor I could only see one of them being constructed.

Ashley down is shown as a stop on the proposed Bristol TM service and I believe tfw are looking to order an additional batch of class 756s.  Their level boarding will be a game changer for people in Bristol although curved platforms at Temple Meads will be interesting

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by Mark A at 18:14, 2nd October 2024

I didn't realise that that happened. Filton Abbey Wood is a totally counterintuitive terminus for a service. Agreed, given the new infrastructure it'll be turning at Parkway in the near future.


**Eats worms** Thanks for putting me right on this. Mind, I can't be the only person wishing to completely rearrange North Bristol to put the public transport and the traffic generators into some sort of order. Not that it was a completely blank canvas, but even so...


PS It's always good to see, on a map, a 'Railway in course of construction, even if, for Bristol Parkway, this was some time ago.

Though if anyone needs a map with 'Motorway in course of construction'...

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by johnneyw at 17:21, 2nd October 2024

GWR suggest Filton Abbey Wood as an interchange.....

A successful interchange station tends to have substantial numbers of people standing at, or moving between, platforms.  The complete absence of cover on the bridge and very limited shelter on the platforms would make this a unpopular prospect with passengers in wet weather.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by Red Squirrel at 13:52, 2nd October 2024
We asked GWR quite early on whether it was possible to terminate local services at Bristol Parkway, and got a firm 'no'. I seem to remember the factors were junction capacity, platform capacity, and the undesirability of establishing a service pattern which would have to be unpicked when Brabazon and Henbury open.

It's not clear whether TfW's proposed half-hourly Cardiff - Bristol stoppers would call at Ashley Down - if they did, it would be transformative, leading to a proper 4 tph metro-style service when combined with the 2 tph Henburys.

GWR suggest Filton Abbey Wood as an interchange, although with 2 tph to BPW and quite long connections it's not great; for example ASD - YAE gives journey times of around 40-50 mins, of which over half an hour is spent kicking your heals at FIT. Still quicker that the bus, but could be a lot better.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by johnneyw at 13:52, 2nd October 2024
Did anyone submit a "Meet the Manager" question that relates to these issues, especially for the next timetable change?  Probably too much of a narrow local interest question for a region wide Q&A session....and I know that all the questions will be revealed tomorrow anyway.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by grahame at 13:10, 2nd October 2024

Why we still have a mere shuttle to Filton baffles me, especially as it seems to have to move out of the station and back to a different platform for the return leg. I am hoping this is all part of some great master plan that will become obvious very soon.

I didn't realise that that happened. Filton Abbey Wood is a totally counterintuitive terminus for a service. Agreed, given the new infrastructure it'll be turning at Parkway in the near future.


My understanding is that there are capacity issues at Bristol Parkway that prevent the train carrying on to there. Until it continues to Henbury it gets turned at Abbey Wood.  Looking to the future ... a 30 minute service  off Temple Meads via each of Avonmouth, North Filton, Patchway and Yate - is that 8 trains an hour to Stapleton Road, six to Ashley Down and Filton Abbey Wood?

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by Mark A at 13:03, 2nd October 2024

Why we still have a mere shuttle to Filton baffles me, especially as it seems to have to move out of the station and back to a different platform for the return leg. I am hoping this is all part of some great master plan that will become obvious very soon.

I didn't realise that that happened. Filton Abbey Wood is a totally counterintuitive terminus for a service. Agreed, given the new infrastructure it'll be turning at Parkway in the near future.


Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by TonyK at 12:25, 2nd October 2024

Yes - but it is ALREADY poor use of an IET. It struck me on Friday and Saturday and the way traffic at most of the stations gathered in time for the "occasional" hourly service - which is far better than it was at times in the past - possibly offered a latent and significant for passengers opportunity.

I don't think it needs to wait for full electrification.  It could be done - err - now.   Just the thoughts of a seasoned observer; perhaps someone on the political front would like to pick it up?

I entirely agree that it is a poor use of IETs, and have said as much on another thread. I just didn't want to upset some of our members who seem to get slightly rattled when an intercity express is compared to an EMU/DMU. Without doubt, a proper service calling at all points between Temple Meads and Parkway would be possible now, subject to political, financial and train availability being satisfactory. Things have changed over the years, the line is four track, now with four platforms at Filton Abbey Wood and Parkway. Why we still have a mere shuttle to Filton baffles me, especially as it seems to have to move out of the station and back to a different platform for the return leg. I am hoping this is all part of some great master plan that will become obvious very soon.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by Phantom at 11:49, 2nd October 2024
12:59 Cardiff Central to Penzance due 18:41

12:59 Cardiff Central to Penzance due 18:41 will call additionally at Bedminster, Parson Street and Weston Milton.
This is due to a fault with the signalling system.

1 minute late from Bristol, 4 minutes late at Nailsea, 3 minutes late at Weston-super-mare ... and made up the three minutes thereafter - more or less on time beyond Taunton.

So I have to ask - "with IETs running the Cardiff to Exeter services, would they be able to stop at some three to five extra stations and provide half hourly (or in one case hourly) services in the Bristol commuter area?"

100& they could and probably should, as someone who regularly uses that route not just for work but for going to football at Ashton Gate I can see the benefits to a better service
With a new Sporting Quarter on the horizon for BS3 there will be an even greater need

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by grahame at 07:21, 2nd October 2024

So I have to ask - "with IETs running the Cardiff to Exeter services, would they be able to stop at some three to five extra stations and provide half hourly (or in one case hourly) services in the Bristol commuter area?"

I think they would manage with ease - if the route were electric all the way. It would still be a poor use of a high speed train though.

Yes - but it is ALREADY poor use of an IET. It struck me on Friday and Saturday and the way traffic at most of the stations gathered in time for the "occasional" hourly service - which is far better than it was at times in the past - possibly offered a latent and significant for passengers opportunity.

I don't think it needs to wait for full electrification.  It could be done - err - now.   Just the thoughts of a seasoned observer; perhaps someone on the political front would like to pick it up?

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by WelshBluebird at 23:13, 1st October 2024
It's worth adding that given there is no Sunday Filton shuttle right now, GWR are stopping some of the Cardiff to the South West trains at Ashley Down to provide a Sunday service. Given even during the week these services tend to have a decent amount of dwell time at Temple Meads is really don't see why this can't be extended to other days.

And they also seem to be happy to stop a variety of services (mainly Gloucester services I think) at Ashely Down for football and cricket (if the last few days are anything to go by) with limited impact on the timetable (based on rtt it looks like the main impact has been due to crowds rather than the regular dwell time on the stop itself).

South of the river, some of the Cardiff to South West services are already timetables to stop at  Bedminster and Parson street too so again I really don't see why this can't be extended to more times!

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by TonyK at 21:51, 1st October 2024

So I have to ask - "with IETs running the Cardiff to Exeter services, would they be able to stop at some three to five extra stations and provide half hourly (or in one case hourly) services in the Bristol commuter area?"

I think they would manage with ease - if the route were electric all the way. It would still be a poor use of a high speed train though.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by grahame at 18:56, 1st October 2024
Jumping before....? Have you identified the rolling stock available to run these extras?

Extra stock?  No.  Extra stop on a few suitable existing services was, I think, the idea.

Yeah - it would come from Cardiff 

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by johnneyw at 18:00, 1st October 2024
Jumping before....? Have you identified the rolling stock available to run these extras?

Extra stock?  No.  Extra stop on a few suitable existing services was, I think, the idea.

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by ChrisB at 17:23, 1st October 2024
Jumping before....? Have you identified the rolling stock available to run these extras?

Re: Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by johnneyw at 17:03, 1st October 2024
I've just done Ashley Down to Cardiff Central today....the run back in under an hour, changing at Filton Abbey Wood...but could they squeeze in the occasional direct service I'm wondering.....that should significantly speed things up.

Scope to increase Bristol suburban services?
Posted by grahame at 16:30, 1st October 2024
12:59 Cardiff Central to Penzance due 18:41

12:59 Cardiff Central to Penzance due 18:41 will call additionally at Bedminster, Parson Street and Weston Milton.
This is due to a fault with the signalling system.

1 minute late from Bristol, 4 minutes late at Nailsea, 3 minutes late at Weston-super-mare ... and made up the three minutes thereafter - more or less on time beyond Taunton.

So I have to ask - "with IETs running the Cardiff to Exeter services, would they be able to stop at some three to five extra stations and provide half hourly (or in one case hourly) services in the Bristol commuter area?"

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