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Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
As at 12th March 2025 11:11 GMT
Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 11:02, 12th February 2025
... and another.  From the BBC:

MP urges action after lorry strikes rail bridge

An MP has called for "urgent action" to prevent vehicles striking a railway bridge after an incident brought traffic in Hull to a standstill.

Police closed Stoneferry on Monday after a lorry hit a bridge and blocked the road.

Karl Turner, who represents Hull East, said there had been many similar incidents in recent years, which put pressure on businesses because "the whole city comes to a grinding halt".

A spokesperson for Network Rail said: "This bridge has high-profile signs, chevrons and protective beams in place. When incidents happen, we look to recover the repair and delay costs from operators and drivers."  Thirteen incidents were reported at the Stoneferry bridge between 2020 and February 2023, Network Rail said.

Now, Mr Turner has written to Hull City Council requesting action to reduce accidents.  "I think there's lots of things that could be done to ensure collisions like these are avoided," he said. "In some cities framing is put around the bridge and collisions go into the framing rather than the bridge.  This is a major route into the docks of the city and freight trains can be delayed for hours on end which causes a major impact to those businesses on the docks."

A spokesperson from Hull City Council said: "There is signage currently in place from all directions to warn drivers of the upcoming bridge."

Humberside Police said no one was hurt during Monday's incident, but the road was closed while the lorry was recovered.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 13:52, 18th October 2024
"Hay, what's happened here? I was already late: this is the last straw!"

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Marlburian at 12:59, 18th October 2024
Lorry carrying hay-bales stuck under Reading railway bridge.

At least there shouldn't be any damage, and clearing up should be easier than usual.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by LiskeardRich at 15:14, 16th September 2024
Ouch! That does not bode well for the driver.

I think the inverted car came off the transporter, top deck, behind the white van. Empty during the event.

I would say the white van has pushed back, and pushed the upside down car off.
It was a salvage company collecting cars. They’re definitly salvage now!

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Oxonhutch at 21:30, 14th September 2024
Ouch! That does not bode well for the driver.

I think the inverted car came off the transporter, top deck, behind the white van. Empty during the event.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 20:30, 14th September 2024
Reading Chronicle reports lorry striking bridge in Caversham Road.
Bridge undamaged, apparently.

Ouch! That does not bode well for the driver.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 15:11, 13th September 2024
Reading Chronicle reports lorry striking bridge in Caversham Road.
Bridge undamaged, apparently.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 14:17, 10th October 2023

Another today in Trowbridge

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by ellendune at 08:28, 10th July 2023

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by bobm at 10:58, 8th July 2023
More details with a photo from Wiltshire 999s.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by ellendune at 10:56, 8th July 2023
Swindon Advertiser reporting Lorry stuck under Whitehouse Road Bridge

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 22:55, 21st May 2023
I took a long walk today along the Celandine Route. I had to make an unexpected diversion as part of the route is blocked by an HS2 worksite and came across this. I would hope this is a visual deterrent but you never know.

Google maps location

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by grahame at 18:00, 21st May 2023
Oh dear ...

Ten in hospital after bus roof cut off in Glasgow bridge crash

Cook Street, Glasgow.  21st May 2023. First Bus.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by DR7835 at 08:56, 20th May 2023
Slightly off-topic but very closely related:-

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by bobm at 12:57, 1st May 2023
Swindon Buses have similar.  Currently with Fleming Way closed some buses are being diverted along Station Road before turning right to regain their normal route.  Where they to turn left they would come into contact with Whitehouse Bridge.  As a result the in cab alarm goes off every time they take the diversion.  Hopefully it won't lead to the drivers getting used to it and ignoring it when it really matters.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by LiskeardRich at 07:48, 1st May 2023
Firstbus now have a bridge warning alarm if there's a bridge lower than your vehicle on it's Ticketer machines.
Recently, initial checks were performed on the Ticketer before you left the depot to start your first run (rather than the paper check list previously). 
The Ticketer is gps, so knows where it is, and has the height of bridges pre programmed in nationwide.

Stagecoach also has bridge alerts through the drive green system

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by GBM at 07:36, 25th April 2023
Firstbus now have a bridge warning alarm if there's a bridge lower than your vehicle on it's Ticketer machines.
Recently, initial checks were performed on the Ticketer before you left the depot to start your first run (rather than the paper check list previously). 
The Ticketer is gps, so knows where it is, and has the height of bridges pre programmed in nationwide.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 07:16, 24th April 2023
Should be compulsory viewing for all learner PSV/PCV drivers, and refresher for all renewals.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 10:49, 23rd April 2023
Worth another look....

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 19:04, 18th April 2023

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by eXPassenger at 10:07, 23rd March 2023
Low hanging power cables would probably more effective

but health and safety would then require advance notice of low power cables.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 07:04, 23rd March 2023
Low hanging power cables would probably more effective

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 16:44, 22nd March 2023
Similar flappers and other audible and visual warnings are in use at various bridges, but I'm not aware of any evidence that they have much effect.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by grahame at 19:17, 21st March 2023
Too obvious a (partial ?) solution ??

My understanding is that the sign is correct - "If you hit this sign, you will hit the bridge".  But I think I have read somewhere that the sign is actually a bit higher than the bridge, so the the opposite "If you clear this sign, you will clear the bridge" is NOT guaranteed.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 17:52, 21st March 2023
Too obvious a (partial ?) solution ??

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 18:41, 20th January 2023
Lorry strikes bridge over A5 at Hinckly.

Incidentally, I got a message "This will be the first post in this topic for 25 days" which I take as good news!

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 15:14, 26th December 2022
A bit more serious than our local bridge strikes
so whatever we might think it is not a problem unique to British roads

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 19:56, 7th December 2022
We don't often see video of the aftermath of a bridge strike, but Luisa Bennett captured this lorry driving away after hitting a bridge in Bitton:

originally posted on the Facebook page for BBC West. The driver seemed a little unwilling to stay around - once Bitton, twice shy?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bob_Blakey at 08:58, 6th December 2022
Error of judgment? I think not. Mathematical incompetence would be nearer the truth.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by ChrisB at 17:06, 5th December 2022
At last - this ought to be happening far more often!

From Network Rail

Driver fined and banned from driving HGVs for 6 months after jamming lorry under Coulsdon railway bridge, causing massive delays in London, Surrey and Sussex

A driver who jammed his HGV under a bridge carrying the Brighton Main Line through Coulsdon has been banned from driving lorries for six months as a result.

The incident on 7 July this year happened at around 2.30pm on the A237 Brighton Road, just outside Coulsdon South station. The lorry became wedged under the iron girder bridge that carries the fast lines for express trains to Gatwick Airport, Haywards Heath and Brighton. The nature of the bridge meant it had to be closed until the lorry could be removed, leaving just two tracks open for the whole Brighton Main Line.

In fact it was 8.45pm before the lorry could be removed, meaning trains were disrupted right up until the end of the day as far afield as Eastbourne in the south and Bedford and Cambridge in the north.

The driver appeared before the South East Traffic Commissioner in late November to receive a six-month HGV driving ban, following an earlier court appearance where he was fined a means-tested £715 and given six points on his licence for driving without due care and attention and contravening a traffic sign.

Network Rail’s route director for Sussex, Katie Frost, said: “Well over 400 trains and thousands of passengers from across the South were disrupted by this single error of judgement, and it brings home how important it is for professional drivers to check the heights of their lorries and their routes before setting off.

“Network Rail seeks to recover costs for incidents like this one and we work closely with the Office of the Traffic Commissioner and Metropolitan Police to tackle drivers who damage our bridges.

“The fine and the ban won’t make up for the costs of the disruption but they send a message to other drivers that it’s never worth running the risk.”

Sergeant Alex Burlison from the Commercial Vehicle Unit at the Metropolitan Police Service said: “Far too often we are deploying resources to deal with these incidents which are wholly avoidable with each collision having the potential for fatal consequences.

"These drivers are entrusted to drive some of the largest vehicles on the road and it is only right that should they be involved in a collision with infrastructure of any description that they are placed before the courts.”

Piece includes a photo of the said lorry under the bridge

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by stuving at 15:00, 4th December 2022
Cycling down the road from Salisbury station yesterday traffic held up by a lorry trying to do a three(?) point turn before the railway bridge. Presumably some drivers do know the height of their vehicles and can read road signs.

... but not always in distance vision?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 12:33, 4th December 2022
Cycling down the road from Salisbury station yesterday traffic held up by a lorry trying to do a three(?) point turn before the railway bridge. Presumably some drivers do know the height of their vehicles and can read road signs.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by grahame at 10:21, 4th December 2022
Something different - not a lorry for once !

Same bridge as #535 I think.

Comment on the original:

Following the hot summer, the ground had shrunk and the railway embankment had dropped. Subsequently with the recent wet weather the ground has swelled such that the height clearance under the bridge has been reduced and is now less than that shown on the signs.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 09:59, 4th December 2022
Something different - not a lorry for once !

Same bridge as #535 I think.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 08:20, 1st December 2022

Despite being one of the biggest bashes in recent times, damaging the deck so badly it (one of two) needed to be replaced, NR have just announced the line has reopened:

Wonderful work, and truly astonishing. I wonder how long until the next?

Apparently the bridge has been struck again today.  Currently the line is closed pending an inspection.

We didn't have to wait long. Just a week.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by bobm at 16:11, 30th November 2022

Despite being one of the biggest bashes in recent times, damaging the deck so badly it (one of two) needed to be replaced, NR have just announced the line has reopened:
Railway bridge repaired to reconnect Leicester and Peterborough

This morning (23 November), rail passengers can travel between Leicester and Peterborough once again after Network Rail completes almost three weeks of extensive repairs.

Fosters bridge, which sits across the A6121 Stamford Road in Ketton, Rutland, was struck by a lorry on Saturday 5 November, putting the railway line between Leicester and Peterborough out of action.

Since then, engineers have worked around the clock to remove the damaged bridge deck, install a brand-new one and then lay fresh ballast and track over the top so that trains can use the section safely again.

New bridge deck constructed as an emergency.  That is going to cost the skip company's insurers a pretty penny.  I wouldn't like to think what their premiums might go up to at the next renewal.

Apparently the bridge has been struck again today.  Currently the line is closed pending an inspection.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by ellendune at 21:21, 24th November 2022
I wonder what does get charged to the insurers?
Bridge strikes like these have cost Network Rail – and ultimately the taxpayer – almost £12 million in delay and cancellation fees in 2021/22.
Shouldn't those delay and cancellation fees be charged to the insurers too? Or to the MIB for those that are uninsured.

Maybe they are. It would be consequential loss, I guess. It would still "cost" NR the same amount either way - all their outgoings are funded from some external source!

I understand that the Great Heck crash was the largest motor insurance claim ever!

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by stuving at 20:16, 24th November 2022
I wonder what does get charged to the insurers?
Bridge strikes like these have cost Network Rail – and ultimately the taxpayer – almost £12 million in delay and cancellation fees in 2021/22.
Shouldn't those delay and cancellation fees be charged to the insurers too? Or to the MIB for those that are uninsured.

Maybe they are. It would be consequential loss, I guess. It would still "cost" NR the same amount either way - all their outgoings are funded from some external source!

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 20:09, 24th November 2022
I wonder what does get charged to the insurers?
Bridge strikes like these have cost Network Rail – and ultimately the taxpayer – almost £12 million in delay and cancellation fees in 2021/22.
Shouldn't those delay and cancellation fees be charged to the insurers too? Or to the MIB for those that are uninsured.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by ellendune at 23:29, 23rd November 2022

Despite being one of the biggest bashes in recent times, damaging the deck so badly it (one of two) needed to be replaced, NR have just announced the line has reopened:
Railway bridge repaired to reconnect Leicester and Peterborough

This morning (23 November), rail passengers can travel between Leicester and Peterborough once again after Network Rail completes almost three weeks of extensive repairs.

Fosters bridge, which sits across the A6121 Stamford Road in Ketton, Rutland, was struck by a lorry on Saturday 5 November, putting the railway line between Leicester and Peterborough out of action.

Since then, engineers have worked around the clock to remove the damaged bridge deck, install a brand-new one and then lay fresh ballast and track over the top so that trains can use the section safely again.

New bridge deck constructed as an emergency.  That is going to cost the skip company's insurers a pretty penny.  I wouldn't like to think what their premiums might go up to at the next renewal.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 16:57, 23rd November 2022

Despite being one of the biggest bashes in recent times, damaging the deck so badly it (one of two) needed to be replaced, NR have just announced the line has reopened:

Wonderful work, and truly astonishing. I wonder how long until the next?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by stuving at 10:59, 23rd November 2022
Bad one near Ketton this morning, a skip lorry really damaging a bridge which was only 13 ft clearance. Freight route but diversions planned fir tomorrow.
Some recent images here

Despite being one of the biggest bashes in recent times, damaging the deck so badly it (one of two) needed to be replaced, NR have just announced the line has reopened:
Railway bridge repaired to reconnect Leicester and Peterborough

This morning (23 November), rail passengers can travel between Leicester and Peterborough once again after Network Rail completes almost three weeks of extensive repairs.

Fosters bridge, which sits across the A6121 Stamford Road in Ketton, Rutland, was struck by a lorry on Saturday 5 November, putting the railway line between Leicester and Peterborough out of action.

Since then, engineers have worked around the clock to remove the damaged bridge deck, install a brand-new one and then lay fresh ballast and track over the top so that trains can use the section safely again.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 23:32, 20th November 2022
S that a railway bridge though?

An educated guess - does the main Belfast to Dublin railway run over the top of it?

There is a railway over the bridge. I didn't look to see where it goes. Having looked on Streetview just now I see that the incident seems to have taken place in 2021 and the views were replaced in 2021. This seems to be the location.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyN at 21:16, 19th November 2022
An educated guess - does the main Belfast to Dublin railway run over the top of it?


Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by grahame at 20:04, 19th November 2022
S that a railway bridge though?

An educated guess - does the main Belfast to Dublin railway run over the top of it?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by ChrisB at 19:22, 19th November 2022
S that a railway bridge though?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 17:24, 19th November 2022
It's not just buses and lorries that have been hitting bridges.

The Google Streetview car has as well.


The team at Google Maps are constantly on the road taking photos of the world to keep their Street View service up to date. But despite their 15 years of experience, they still manage to make an embarrassing blunder from time to time. While venturing around Grants Road, in Newry, Northern Ireland, the Google Maps Street View car got into a spot of bother after driving under a bridge.

It seems the driver forgot just how tall its camera stands as it was knocked off part way through the bridge. A hilarious series of Street View snaps show the driver entering the bridge, a blurry shot of the camera colliding with its roof, and then the back of the car as the camera presumably hangs down out of place.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 07:12, 16th November 2022
The most-bashed bridge, at 33 times in the last 12 months


although the figures don't seem to add up.

Station Road in Langley, Berkshire gets an honourable mention with only 12 strikes.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 16:46, 11th November 2022
Bridge 1 Bus 0 !

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by bradshaw at 17:59, 6th November 2022
NR saying route to be closed for two weeks while repairs are undertaken
From Sir Peter Hendy on Twitter
   Just to confirm - we report every one of these to the Traffic Commissioners, who consider the suitability of the Operator and driver to continue to hold their vocational licences; and we claim for damage and delay from the operator.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 16:10, 6th November 2022
Another one in Romsey yesterday. Nice pictures in the Hampshire Chronicle.

The same newspaper says today that this bridge has been struck by lorries 23 times in 18 years.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by bradshaw at 11:34, 5th November 2022
Bad one near Ketton this morning, a skip lorry really damaging a bridge which was only 13 ft clearance. Freight route but diversions planned fir tomorrow.
Some recent images here

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 20:59, 4th November 2022
Another one in Romsey yesterday. Nice pictures in the Hampshire Chronicle.

I'm sure it's ok but I get this message -
Website blocked due to fraud
Website blocked:

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain malware activity.
We strongly recommend you do not continue.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 09:20, 4th November 2022
Another one in Romsey yesterday. Nice pictures in the Hampshire Chronicle.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 12:44, 28th October 2022
Wiltshire Police said the driver had been issued a traffic offence report for careless driving.
I don't remember reading a similar line before in these cases, but maybe it's routine and not reported.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 12:05, 28th October 2022
Again !

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 20:11, 10th August 2022
From my South Western Railway email alerts here are a selection of recent messages:

On 2/8/22
We have been informed that a road vehicle has struck a bridge between Clandon and London Road (Guildford). Staff are en-route to examine the bridge. In the meantime, trains will remain at stand. 

We're sorry but we expect there may be cancellations, delays or alterations to services until 14:00.

On 3/8/22
We have been informed of a safety inspection of the track between Clandon and Guildford. This means that the line towards Guildford is currently blocked.

Until further notice, trains between London Waterloo and Guildford via Cobham will be terminated at/started from Effingham Junction. Trains from London Waterloo to Guildford via Leatherhead will be diverted via Woking.

We have requested rail replacement buses to run between Guildford and Leatherhead and these will be in place from 17:30.

On 8/8/22
We have been informed that a road vehicle has struck a bridge between London Road Guildford and Clandon. Staff are en-route to examine the bridge. In the meantime, trains will be unable to pass between these stations.

On 10/8/22
We have been informed that a road vehicle has struck a bridge between Clandon and Guildford. Staff are en-route to examine the bridge. In the meantime, trains are unable to run over the bridge so may be diverted or delayed.

Ok, so the alert on 3rd August may not relate to a bridge strike but do all the others this month relate to the same bridge? What is happening in this area?

Searching all my emails dating back to 2017 I see no other alerts for a bridge strike in that area.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by paul7575 at 11:33, 20th July 2022

That bridge in Wilton again today. That's at least the third time this year that it has been hit.

Ah, it takes a lot of scrolling down to understand what hit the bridge (Clue - It wasn't the tanker). I had been scratching my head trying to work out how the tanker in the first photo could have been too tall to do that, so assumed it must have been a side strike.
There’s a quote from a car driver that it was the corner of a container, and the truck then carried on through, then confirmed by the police via Network Rail that the truck driver failed to stop afterwards.

That reads to me as if the container was clear of the bridge if accurately centred between the vertical lines?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by LiskeardRich at 16:19, 19th July 2022
There are buses, and Botley Road buses. One is shorter than the other.

That's a bit dangerous, isn't it?

Not if correctly allocated and managed. I know of a double decker route with a 14’5 bridge. Multiple operators run double deckers underneath. Those operators have double deckers ranging from 13’10 to 14’10 in their fleets. There has been no incidents at that bridge!

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 21:27, 18th July 2022

That bridge in Wilton again today. That's at least the third time this year that it has been hit.

Ah, it takes a lot of scrolling down to understand what hit the bridge (Clue - It wasn't the tanker). I had been scratching my head trying to work out how the tanker in the first photo could have been too tall to do that, so assumed it must have been a side strike.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 15:44, 18th July 2022

That bridge in Wilton again today. That's at least the third time this year that it has been hit.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 06:53, 1st July 2022
and it is not only the bridges that suffers

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 09:09, 30th June 2022
Maybe bridge strikes can be a job for the new Road Safety Investigation Branch (RSIB)

But might be too mundane for a body whose remit includes "provide real insight into how new technologies – such as self-driving and electric vehicles – can be rolled out on our roads".

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by bradshaw at 16:50, 28th June 2022
It is not just railway bridges, the Hanging Chapel at Langport was struck by an HGV two months ago and the road is still closed

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 15:22, 28th June 2022

It's that Wilton bridge again today.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by stuving at 17:59, 27th June 2022
There are buses, and Botley Road buses. One is shorter than the other.

That's a bit dangerous, isn't it?

Only in one direction.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 17:40, 27th June 2022
There are buses, and Botley Road buses. One is shorter than the other.

That's a bit dangerous, isn't it?

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Oxonhutch at 22:41, 23rd June 2022
There are buses, and Botley Road buses. One is shorter than the other.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 21:00, 23rd June 2022

Today in Oxford. A bus under the Botley Road railway bridge.

That's odd. I'm sure I have been under that bridge in a double deck bus within the past month.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 16:11, 15th June 2022

Today in Oxford. A bus under the Botley Road railway bridge.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Clan Line at 20:28, 28th May 2022

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by GBM at 08:35, 12th May 2022
Delays to services between Westbury and Weymouth via Yeovil Pen Mill
Due to a road vehicle colliding with a bridge between Westbury and Castle Cary the line is closed. Disruption is expected until 10:00 12/05.
Train services between Westbury and Weymouth via Yeovil Pen Mill may be delayed

Bridge appears to be to the west of Westbury.
Also posted same on Transwilts page

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 12:48, 30th April 2022
WARNING - This next story comes from the Daily Mail. I apologise. If you have an old or slow computer or phone it may take a long time to load.

from the Daily Mail
Totally wiped out! Toilet roll lorry crashes into low railway bridge in London, sparking traffic chaos with roads gridlocked and South Eastern train services suspended

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 14:33, 19th April 2022

Another one today in Wilton.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by JayMac at 23:08, 18th March 2022
Ignoring the signs. Not knowing the height of your load.

You reap what you sow.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by paul7575 at 21:18, 18th March 2022
The driver deserves a damn good threshing.
I wonder if his excuses afterwards were based on a straw man argument? 

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 21:15, 18th March 2022
Just over a mile west of Farnham station, it’s one of the comparatively rare bridges with anti-collision beams fitted both sides. 


Yes, it's notorious for that.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by JayMac at 20:03, 18th March 2022
The driver deserves a damn good threshing.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 12:43, 18th March 2022
That must be the final straw for the driver… 

Perhaps he should be remanded on bale? 

Perhaps he was coming to the end of his shift and looking forward to hitting the hay.
He might be retired, put out to grass.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by PhilWakely at 09:35, 18th March 2022
That must be the final straw for the driver… 

Perhaps he should be remanded on bale? 

Perhaps he was coming to the end of his shift and looking forward to hitting the hay.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by RichT54 at 08:55, 18th March 2022
That must be the final straw for the driver… 

Perhaps he should be remanded on bale? 

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by paul7575 at 23:10, 17th March 2022
That must be the final straw for the driver… 

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by RichT54 at 21:09, 17th March 2022
And another one...

There was traffic disruption in Anniesland after a lorry carrying bales of hay became stuck under a bridge.

The incident happened on Thursday afternoon shortly after 3pm on Bearsden Road.

Footage and pictures were posted online showing the vehicle unable to move.

Drivers indicated that there was a short tailback created as a result of the incident.

Loose bales of hale could also be seen on the road after the lorry collided with the bridge.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 3.15 pm on Thursday, March 17, 2022, police attended a report of a HGV stuck under a bridge in Bearsden Road, Glasgow.

“There were no reports of any injuries and the road was reopened around 6.30pm.”

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by paul7575 at 19:15, 17th March 2022
Just over a mile west of Farnham station, it’s one of the comparatively rare bridges with anti-collision beams fitted both sides. 


Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by broadgage at 17:57, 17th March 2022
"Notorious bridge" !

A better wording might be "the road haulage industry is notorious for ignoring the height restriction at this bridge"

I again suggest a six month driving ban for the first offence, 5 years for second offence, and a lifetime ban for any third offence.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by RichT54 at 15:04, 17th March 2022
A lorry has overturned after striking a notorious bridge in Farnham. Wrecclesham Road is currently blocked with the large vehicle having tipped on its side.

In a post on social media, Surrey Police's road unit said the driver had failed to adhere to the height restrictions. This resulted in the HGV striking the bridge and flipping over.

They've warned drivers that clearing the vehicle may take some time. Motorists might want to find a different route in the meantime or allow extra time for their journey.

I believe this bridge carries the railway line between Farnham and Alton.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by broadgage at 15:10, 13th March 2022
No, this isn't a railway bridge, but it might as well be! From the BBC, three days ago:
Lorry hits Widnes road gantry in rush hour crash

The top of the lorry, apparently a tipper truck, was left leaning on the gantry

A lorry has crashed into a road gantry, leaving part of the vehicle propped up against the structure and causing widespread delays.

It happened on the A562 Speke Road in Widnes, Cheshire, at about 06:40 GMT, police said.

Nobody was injured but work is under way to remove the lorry part and check the gantry, near the Hale Road slip road, for stability.

Regarding this particular collision, how was the obstruction removed ?

The obvious way would be to attach a chain or steel cable to the rear and haul it from a safe distance, in order that the front end comes free of the gantry and crashes to the ground.
Attaching the chain or cable would be very dangerous if the obstruction slid along the road as it might.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by broadgage at 15:00, 13th March 2022
The twitter report linked to in the previous test included an advert "book an eye test now" How very apt !

I remain of the opinion that this sort of thing needs to be taken much more seriously.
The driver, or more realistically their insurers, should be required to pay the full costs resulting from their negligence, delay minutes, costs of inspection, and any repairs.

A six month driving ban for the first bridge strike, 5 years for the second offence, and never allowed to drive again for the third offence.

Similar for striking level crossing gates.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 10:19, 13th March 2022
It might be 39 days since the last post but they are still happening. An old favourite, Burnham, again

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by TonyK at 17:06, 1st February 2022
Downton is a name I associate with a depot at Moreton Valence on the A38.

Whereas I always think Highclere Castle, whether I want to or not.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 13:26, 1st February 2022
Downton is a name I associate with a depot at Moreton Valence on the A38.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by JayMac at 22:06, 28th January 2022
And Downton are a local company, the driver must have beem under the bridge before.

Whilst it's possible the driver is based at the former CM Downton site in Thatcham its also possible they are from one of many EV Cargo Logistics (CM Downton's name following acquisition) sites in the UK. To my mind, hitting the bridge is an indication they were in an unfamiliar area. Although I will concede its equally possible its a local driver who had a brain fart.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by KenB at 19:15, 28th January 2022
And Downton are a local company, the driver must have beem under the bridge before.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Hal at 15:00, 28th January 2022
Another one today in Hungerford.
The Newbury Weekly News has the story with picture:

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by eightf48544 at 16:58, 12th January 2022
Yep Langley Station Bridge is one of the regulars.

I see Modern Railway has takenb up one of my Magdeburg solutions, a rigid RSJ at bridge height a few metres in front ot the bridge.

It's  a pity more bridges are protected by my second solution of 600Volt tram wires. But then we are anti tram in this country.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Marlburian at 15:05, 12th January 2022
Another bridge strike at Langley

Assuming that the Reading Chronicle has used the correct picture, it looks like the same bridge that has been struck several times before.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by stuving at 20:08, 6th December 2021
No, this isn't a railway bridge, but it might as well be! From the BBC, three days ago:
Lorry hits Widnes road gantry in rush hour crash

The top of the lorry, apparently a tipper truck, was left leaning on the gantry

A lorry has crashed into a road gantry, leaving part of the vehicle propped up against the structure and causing widespread delays.

It happened on the A562 Speke Road in Widnes, Cheshire, at about 06:40 GMT, police said.

Nobody was injured but work is under way to remove the lorry part and check the gantry, near the Hale Road slip road, for stability.

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by PhilWakely at 09:02, 29th November 2021

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by CyclingSid at 14:54, 17th November 2021

Re: Railway bridges struck by road vehicles - merged topic, ongoing discussion
Posted by Surrey 455 at 18:57, 13th November 2021
Own goal.............

Not sure why the Argus is trying to contact Brighton and Hove Buses. That bus looks to be from Go-Ahead London. Brighton and Hove Buses is also owned by Go-Ahead though.

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