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Night Riviera - merged posts, ongoing discussion
As at 15th March 2025 01:54 GMT
Night Riviera - merged posts, ongoing discussion
Posted by Lee at 16:13, 3rd August 2007
If you travel on the First Great Western Night Riviera Sleeper you'll be treated to a free copy of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca (link below.)

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Lee at 15:26, 13th September 2007
First Great Western has announced that as part of a ^200 million package of investment , it is updating its Sleeper Service , also known as the Night Riviera Sleeper , which runs between Penzance and London Paddington (link below.)

The contract to carry out the work , which is worth ^2,000,000 has been awarded to Railcare in Wolverton. Michael Rodber,  who has worked for Porsche and Eurostar and was responsible for designing First Great Western's new look High Speed Trains (HSTs) that were introduced earlier this year , has been tasked with creating a refreshed interior that is more akin to a hotel room than a train carriage.

Work has already started on upgrading the 17 carriages and is expected to be completed by March 2008.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Jim at 07:28, 14th September 2007
As long as the beds don't go high density!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by martyjon at 07:39, 14th September 2007
Does the "more akin to a hotel room than a train carriage." mean a mini bar in every berth ?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 17:30, 5th November 2007
Does anybody have any info on whats happening to the seated sleeper carriages as I have seen one in new livery so I think its refurb but FGW arent' publising it.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by oooooo at 18:43, 5th November 2007
There are 'refreshed' sleeper coachs in traffic, expect they are waiting for a full set to be complete before doing the normal 'we are great' press launch.

Only one Ive seen was a first class seating coach and although I was a bit drunk at the time I think they are the old HST first class seats but covered in the new trim.....

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 19:51, 5th November 2007
Yeh it was a first class seating coach but as t was from a HST window I couldn't really see much- only got to see it because it was unusually parked in the sidings at Long Rock instead of in the shed.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 19:55, 5th November 2007
First Class is nice

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Timmer at 21:19, 5th November 2007
First Class is nice
Don't know why they couldn't have done that with the HST first class seats rather than pay millions for the new leather seats as these look really nice.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Jim at 17:07, 6th November 2007
They really do look like the OLD FGW MK3 FC seats!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Shazz at 17:13, 6th November 2007
They really do look like the OLD FGW MK3 FC seats!

Thats because they are...?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 19:33, 6th November 2007
Indeed, much better than the leather replacement IMO!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by martyjon at 19:49, 8th November 2007
Following this mornings DSD failure on last nights down sleeper from Paddington, tonights Up Riviera Sleeperr will be hauled by a heritage locomotive, 47805.

The BRUSH fans WILL be burning the midnight oil tonight.   

22:00 Penzance to London Paddington due 05:25
This train has been revised.
The Full Sleeper service will start from Plymouth. A HST will operate for the Penzance to Plymouth part of the journey.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by vacman at 19:53, 8th November 2007
They really do look like the OLD FGW MK3 FC seats!
They are re-covered HST FC seats.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 19:17, 28th February 2008
It is now possible to buy tickets for the sleeper service online, something that has been missing for years.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 23:46, 14th March 2008
Can someone clarify for me whether the Penzance sleeper has first class seating coaches available? I phoned FGW and their response was rather contradictory.

Also, are there any complimentaries? 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 23:55, 14th March 2008

"The refresh includes a new external livery to the trains, new internal colour scheme and lighting, reupholstered First Class style seating throughout the seated carriages, new carpets, taps and blinds, better quality linen and towels."

"Our range of services for Night Riviera Sleeper customers
We have a range of services to make your journey a comfortable and relaxing experience:

    * There is a dedicated Service Leader to provide an at-seat food and drink service in the Lounge Car.
    * The Sleeper berths are air-conditioned for your comfort.
    * You can have a morning wake up call with complimentary refreshments.
    * We offer a complimentary newspaper and breakfast for all First Class customers.
    * You can use the First Class lounge on arrival into London Paddington.
    * Complimentary refreshments are provided for all Sleeper berth customers in the lounge.
    * There are showers available for Sleeper berth customers upon arrival at London Paddington.
    * There is a dedicated Customer Host on-hand to answer any queries and to ensure a comfortable and safe journey.

Buffet service
There is a buffet service on-board to provide you with a range of food and drinks. View our Food and Drink menus for more information."

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 00:02, 15th March 2008
I don't trust the FGW website! 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Lee at 00:12, 15th March 2008
I don't trust the FGW website! 

Actually, I find it very informative at times (link below, 19 November 2007) :

: Neill Mitchell
Neill Mitchell Chairman of the SW Chamber^s of Commerce, and, until recently, a member of the former Rail Passengers Committee for Western England says: "The appointment of such a high profile regional businessperson, rather than a career railwayman, to the top job is a bold and innovative move by the UK's largest train operating company. It sends a powerful message that FirstGroup is committed to ensuring that their renewed Great Western flagship franchise is to be keenly responsive to both the customer interest and, importantly, to the stakeholder partner performance expectations of the regions served by FGW. Rightly, First clearly recognise that this franchise must be both "Great" and Western" in its aspirations for excellence in service delivery and in its visionary outlook for the future".

See also link below.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 00:19, 15th March 2008
Just to note, tonight's 2345 Paddington to Penzance sleeper is revised tonight. Overcrowding comes to the sleeper? 

This train has been revised.
This service will today be formed of 3 Sleeper Carriages instead of 4.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 08:49, 15th March 2008
I don't trust the FGW website! 

Well it doesn't lie.

I assure you there is seated First Class seating!!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by vacman at 22:12, 15th March 2008
I don't trust the FGW website! 

Well it doesn't lie.

I assure you there is seated First Class seating!!
All seating is "first class" but you dont need a first class ticket to sit in it! the old MKIII first class seats have been fitted to the day cars, albeit reuphulstered, so don't bother buying a first class ticket!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 22:35, 15th March 2008
A wise move by FGW I think, as nice as the old seats are the first class ones provide much more room.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Jim at 23:56, 5th April 2008
I don't trust the FGW website! 

Well it doesn't lie.

I assure you there is seated First Class seating!!
All seating is "first class" but you dont need a first class ticket to sit in it! the old MKIII first class seats have been fitted to the day cars, albeit reuphulstered, so don't bother buying a first class ticket!

And god are they good for dossing in!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Btline at 00:45, 6th April 2008
Why do they label the seats "First Class" if you don't need  first class ticket?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 10:12, 6th April 2008
Why do they label the seats "First Class" if you don't need  first class ticket?
It is all First Class until May but standard may sit in it as there is no Standard Class.
For more info check out the latest issue of Go To magazine, it says.
From 18 May all Sleeper berths will be sold as one Standard level of accomadation. You will still be able to book single or twin berths. All sleeper berths include Continetial Breakfast. All seating accomodation will be Standard Class.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Btline at 18:46, 6th April 2008
In a way, it is a shame the old GW trains livery is going....

I mean, it's not as if we need any more dynamic lines, is it?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 19:54, 6th April 2008
I mean, it's not as if we need any more dynamic lines, is it?
Yes actually, although I love the Green/Gold Fag Packet livery, one brand and livery across services is definatly the way to go. And the dynamic lines IMO is brilliant.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by smokey at 17:47, 7th April 2008
Normal Night Riveria Sleeper formation is, (note: all MKIII stock)
Coach A TSO (Tourist Standard Open)
Coach B BFO (Brake First Open)
Coach C RFO (Restuarant First Open)
Coach J 1St Class Sleeper
Coach K Std Single Berth Sleeper
Coach L Std Twin Berth Sleeper
Coach X  "      "       "        "     (Friday Night Only Down/Sunday night only up).

However it has been seen running with 2 BFO vice the TSO on some nights.

IIRC the ^10 First Class up grade can be obtained EVERY night in coach B.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 18:27, 7th April 2008
IIRC the ^10 First Class up grade can be obtained EVERY night in coach B.
Yes it can but who would as all seats are First Class now.
From May formation will be:
Coach A TSO(Tourist Standard Open)
Coach B BSO(Brake Standard Open)
Coach C RSO(Restuarant Standard Open)
Coach ? Single Berth Sleeper
Coach ? Single Berth Sleeper
Coach ? Twin Berth Sleeper
Coach ? Twin Berth Sleeper (Not All Trains)
This is what I can grasp it will be from Go To magazine, Coach letters for sleepers have been left off as they may be D/E/F/G or they may be J/K/L/X.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 18:35, 7th April 2008
If that is correct - then the point of first class berths on the sleeper are pointless, and people will be able to save ^110+ on the FC fare by purchasing a SOR or a SVR, sorry, Anytime or Off Peak return ticket! A FOR is currently ^373, a SVR is currently ^75. Hmm, bargain... I'm surprised FGW aren't keeping a differing level of 'service' (not that I experienced any different, a breakfast of orange juice and a biscuit is nothing on par with FSRs offer of a fruit salad, bacon or egg roll and a shortbread biscuit as well) for FC customers by the looks of it.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 19:03, 7th April 2008
If that is correct - then the point of first class berths on the sleeper are pointless, and people will be able to save ^110+ on the FC fare by purchasing a SOR or a SVR, sorry, Anytime or Off Peak return ticket! A FOR is currently ^373, a SVR is currently ^75. Hmm, bargain... I'm surprised FGW aren't keeping a differing level of 'service' (not that I experienced any different, a breakfast of orange juice and a biscuit is nothing on par with FSRs offer of a fruit salad, bacon or egg roll and a shortbread biscuit as well) for FC customers by the looks of it.
I beleive all the single berths are the same, all you pay for is additional service and free food/drink/paper.
But a single berth is more expensive than a twin berth.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 19:20, 7th April 2008
You what?

From the National Fares Manual...

Sleeper Berth supplements - First Great Western services

These supplements are not available in conjunction with
Advance Purchase tickets, only walk-up tickets (i.e. Saver,
Open). Sleeper Inclusive Advance Purchase tickets are
available on journeys between the South West of England and
selected stations in the London & South East area. Fares are
listed in sections B and C, ticket types SB, SC, SD, SG, SH, SI,

First Class supplement
^45^00 per cabin
Includes Welcome Pack, hot evening drink, breakfast and

Standard Class supplement
^30^00 per berth in a Double cabin
^40^00 per berth in a Single cabin
Includes Welcome Pack, morning tea or coffee and biscuits.
Charges are payable for each journey made by Sleeper, even if
no advance reservation has been made.

A valid ticket for the journey must be shown when booking
sleeper accommodation. Advance Purchase tickets are not
valid, only walk up tickets.

For issuing instructions, please refer to the Retail Manual Part
Two/Rail Directory for Travel Agents Part One.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 22:35, 7th April 2008
^5 covers the differences between Standard Single and First Class, cabins are the same, makes perfect sense to me.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 22:56, 7th April 2008
Except Conner, in my experience, the difference is nil between FC and SC... I could have saved myself ^10 by getting a standard class single cabin!

The NFM states I get a "welcome pack" - ok, that was formed of a few leaflets and some toiletries. OK so far. Hot evening drink, err, no - both times I got nothing after getting in the cabin. Breakfast - formed of a biscuit and some orange juice on the way back, and some coffee and a few biscuits on the way there from what I recall. Oh, and a newspaper which I don't remember getting either!!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 23:10, 7th April 2008
You definatly wasted your money.
I think it makes more sense having one class sleepers as you can't really get a better cabin like you can with a seat.
You could even risk it with a twin, my Uncle did once and had it all to himself and noted that his carriage was pretty empty.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 23:16, 7th April 2008
I feel a complaint to FGW coming on ... 

The thing about twins, you've got to get on and/or off at obscure locations to guarantee you get it to yourself.... for instance if it called at St Budeaux, get on there, then get off at Reading!

Although you can't get a better cabin really, you can get a better service. You certainly do on ScotRail, room service!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 11:13, 8th April 2008
The thing about twins, you've got to get on and/or off at obscure locations to guarantee you get it to yourself.... for instance if it called at St Budeaux, get on there, then get off at Reading!
My uncle was booked PAD-PNZ although he got off at Camborne.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by smokey at 12:18, 12th April 2008
A wise move by FGW I think, as nice as the old seats are the first class ones provide much more room.

Is it a Wise move?

I checked out the Sleeper the other night and Yes the Standard class Day Car has been fitted with First Class seats, but this means a Reduction in seats of about 30%. Not funny when the Day cars are FULL!

And it's more than full when Ryan Air Cancel their last flight from Newquay leaving would be Flyers to MAKE THERE OWN WAY HOME.

I would say that Single and Twin berths are a massive Step forward, Why pay First Class for a cabin that is the Same as a Standard single Cabin?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by swlines at 15:01, 12th April 2008
Why pay first class fares ... hmm, perhaps due to the additional extras that you get. After all, it's the little bits that count. (and it can all add up).

I think FGW could do well if they modified their service to more reflect their sister company ScotRail.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Lee at 21:38, 21st April 2008
Due to engineering work on Wednesday 23 April 2008, the London Paddington to Penzance sleeper service will not be available to board until 2330 (link below.)

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Commuting Bookworm at 15:53, 29th April 2008
Thinking of getting down to Cornwall using this service. Unfortunatly the CSA I deal with at Reading not too clued up on it. Please in normal person speak can some one explain what the trains are like. For instance do I need to book 1st class if i want some conform and peace or are all seats confortable and reclining? Would I need to book specific seats when booking ticket? If I got on at Reading would this place me at a disadvantage? Are they likely to be packed? 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 15:56, 29th April 2008
ALL seated coaches have First Class seats (2+1 with collosal table, curtains etc), so go standard class and don't waste your money!!

Pic of interior:

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Conner at 16:02, 29th April 2008
After May the sleeper will be Standard Class only.
You will get a seat if you book Advance Purchase as you will have a reservation.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 00:03, 29th May 2008
Railway bosses are poised to relaunch the once threatened Penzance to London sleeper train thanks to "people power".

Charles Howeson, chairman of First Great Western, has revealed to the WMN plans to unveil the refurbished service under the new name of the Night Riviera Express on June 23.


Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by jester at 00:10, 29th May 2008
should never have been 'under threat'. Such a constantly well used service would be a blow to the region if it was ended.
Always busy, never enough berths sundays/fridays in either direction and bank holidays - well, book well ahead!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by andrewr at 08:15, 29th May 2008
Well, since around 8000 of us - including a lot of contributors to the forum - got together to try and save the service, it seems to have gone from strength to strength! I have to give FGW credit for the way they've handled the sleeper in recent times - they've done a lot of research to find what passengers want, and they're starting to respond with the likes of a proper breakfast onboard and so on.

What's really good news is that they've added a fifth sleeper coach on busy nights, and I'm told that if loadings carry on rising, they may have to look into generating a business case within the next 12-18 months for a sixth! I think that's a real tribute to the quality of the service, and the excellent staff who look after snoozing passengers. For once, it's good news on GW - let's hope it continues and that we don't have to fight to save the train in another few years!

Andy Roden

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by oooooo at 21:42, 22nd June 2008
Launch train Monday 23rd June: 1Z08 15:08 Penzance to Plymouth calling major stations. ECS back.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Super Guard at 23:05, 23rd June 2008
Video from BBC Spotlight SouthWest about the relaunch:

(What you don't see is the presenter introducing the video and getting in the "MPs thought FGW was the worst operator on the planet" comment  )

Favourite quote from the video: "They've apparently done 'something' to the breaks to make it a smoother journey"... quality reporting 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 23:21, 23rd June 2008
A couple of points from me (cue groans from the other moderators!  )

Describing FGW in the press these days apparently involves the obligatory use of the phrase "Under fire train company FGW ...".  For goodness sake!  Why not try to be impartial and just describe them (at least initially) as "Local train operating company FGW ... " ?

And there are some very high quality reporters around, in my personal opinion: for example, among our members here in the coffee shop! 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Super Guard at 00:50, 24th June 2008
Perhaps they could get jobs with the BBC then   

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 01:15, 24th June 2008
I'm not so concerned with the BBC - it's the various local newspapers, who all seem to have a presumption that FGW are still suffering the same problems / low public esteem that they clearly were, back in January.  Things have moved on since then - FGW certainly have - and that's why I think it's not fair to keep starting every article in the local papers now with a pre-emptive dismissal of FGW as a 'failing' train company.

(Posted by me personally: my opinions are not necessarily those of FGW  )

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Lee at 07:54, 24th June 2008
I think its mainly a case of that "bad news" will always sell papers, and "good news" (although featured more than people realise) will not always get the level of coverage that perhaps it merits.

From my perspective, one of the things that has greatly improved is that, if I raise an issue of importance to the Coffee Shop or CANBER, Andrew Haines will always ensure that I get a speedy and detailed response, either from him personally or the person responsible for the matter. Frankly, this is in stark contrast to how things were before he came along.

There have also been welcome moves towards improvements on several lines/services (TransWilts being a notable exception.)

However, FGW remain gaffe-prone, and when things do go wrong, they tend to go wrong in spectacular fashion, the debacles over the Exeter ticket promotion and the Free Severn Beach Line service cancellations being good examples. Errors like this could be avoided, and FGW still (in my opinion) have work to do on this front.

Here is a view from the I Hate FGW blog author, in which she notes (with caution) that things have improved (link below.)

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Umberleigh at 18:33, 26th June 2008
Have used the sleeper last 3 Wednesday nights from Padd to Exeter and will be doing same journey each week for the foreseeable future. Always book a seat in advance and pay only ^12, although have paid ^20.50 once, which is still a bargain.

Love the ex-HST 1st class seats, very comfortable and have heard other passengers say the same. Staff all very friendly and the train has a 'happy' feel to it, other than the occasional moaning old git who seems to be expecting 110 mph all the way to Bodmin or wherever....

Have noticed that there are always a lot more seats reserved than actual passengers on board (although there has still been a healthy number of people traveling) so my question is, are these 'no-shows' included in the usage figures? After all, they have paid to use the service and thus technically last night's (seated) service was 90% full, not bad for a Wednesday!

Can anyone in the know shed any light on this?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Zoe at 20:28, 11th November 2008
Hi, does the Night Riviera have a standard route if there are no engineering works?  I used it one time and it went EXD - BRI - TRO - NBY - RDG - PAD.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Btline at 20:36, 11th November 2008
Zoe - there was a thread a while back which discussed the various routes of the NR service.

I have had a search but can't find it. Maybe a mod can.

It was the one where we tried to guess the routes knowing there were about 10!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 21:07, 11th November 2008
Erm ... 16, apparently!   

Try this:

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 21:27, 11th November 2008
The timetabled route is Penzance - Bristol TM - Bristol Parkway - London Paddington. Whether it will go that way or not is a different matter!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Zoe at 21:48, 11th November 2008
Is there any reason why it does not stop at Taunton early Monday mornings?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by super tm at 13:01, 12th November 2008
AIUI it has not done so for many, many years.  Allows diversion via yeovil without any need for bus replacement to Taunton.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by thetrout at 10:02, 22nd December 2008
AIUI it has not done so for many, many years.  Allows diversion via yeovil without any need for bus replacement to Taunton.

Thats cheating! I guess its one way for FGW to save money though

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Super Guard at 17:09, 22nd December 2008
From what i've heard very few people use Taunton except leaving EXD on a Friday night after being out on the town.

I believe there was some consideration knocking the Taunton stop out altogether, however it seems to survive for now.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by John R at 19:30, 22nd December 2008
And IIRC it used to stop at Bristol Temple Meads until around 5 years ago. Presumably this was also withdrawn to allow more flexibility as to which route it takes.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Sleepy at 19:21, 23rd December 2008
So Ryanair have cancelled the route until the summer ? What a convenient way to save costs when loadings are low and blame someone else ! Hope the displaced passengers try the superb refurbished sleeper and stay on the railway.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by bemmy at 21:54, 29th December 2008
And IIRC it used to stop at Bristol Temple Meads until around 5 years ago. Presumably this was also withdrawn to allow more flexibility as to which route it takes.
I think it was more than 10 years ago they withdrew the Temple Meads stop. I was disappointed because I used it a number of times over the years: to Plymouth to connect with the early Roscoff ferry, and to and from Penzance to connect with the Scillonian. The up service was also useful for an early arrival in London, I used it a couple of times to connect with the boat train from Liverpool St to Harwich.

It's a shame there are hardly any night services any more.... I know there are operational reasons but other countries manage to have a network of night trains.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by John R at 22:00, 29th December 2008
It was certainly still calling as recently as May 2003,  02u50, MX.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by RailCornwall at 16:55, 25th January 2009
In around 1988 I travelled through Salisbury THREE times on a PAD > PZ journey.

Night Riviera - merged posts, ongoing discussion
Posted by slippy at 10:04, 4th February 2009
Tuesday nights down sleeper hit a tree west of Bedwyn and was cancelled at Westbury arriving 05:25, 230 late!! Passengers transferred to a unit to Taunton then a XC service to Plymouth where the 0820 departure for Penzance was held 15 mins to meet the XC. Not a good journey for those people!!

Re: Tuesday Nights Down Sleeper
Posted by inspector_blakey at 20:23, 9th February 2009
Ouch. Turfed out of your nice comfortable berth into a Vomiter. That's got to hurt.

Re: Tuesday Nights Down Sleeper
Posted by Super Guard at 21:06, 9th February 2009
As inconvenient as it was the passengers, I was personally relieved to hear it was the sleeper loco that hit the tree at 70mph rather than a HST powercar at 100+mph.  Considering the position of the damage that was done to the loco, I reckon it would have had a HST powercar off the road 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by James Vertigan at 05:00, 13th July 2009
Not that I'm worried, because I'm not on the train... but FGW's website is claiming there are no sleeper berths on this service - that can't be comfortable - hope they've stuck everyone in First Class carriages!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by JayMac at 06:00, 13th July 2009
From FGW Website:

23:50 London Paddington to Penzance due 08:59
12 July 2009
This train has been revised.This train will be formed of 8 coaches.This is due to a train fault.
No sleeper berths will be available on this service.

Looks like they've drafted in a HST set. I would hazard a guess that none of FGWs 57s were available and there were no replacement locos available. I'm sure someone in coffeeshop land will know.....

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by James Vertigan at 12:17, 13th July 2009
I know that sometimes FGW draft in a Virgin trains Thunderbird loco (I've seen Brains and Kyrano sitting at Paddington station before) but mostly it's the FGW locos named after South West castles.

The one coming into Paddington from Penzance this morning was a normal FGW loco.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Tim at 14:08, 13th July 2009
From FGW Website:

23:50 London Paddington to Penzance due 08:59
12 July 2009
This train has been revised.This train will be formed of 8 coaches.This is due to a train fault.
No sleeper berths will be available on this service.

Looks like they've drafted in a HST set. I would hazard a guess that none of FGWs 57s were available and there were no replacement locos available. I'm sure someone in coffeeshop land will know.....

Why can't the HST powercar(s) haul the sleeper coaches?  It is all Mk 3 stock isn't it?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by IndustryInsider at 14:35, 13th July 2009
Why can't the HST powercar(s) haul the sleeper coaches?  It is all Mk 3 stock isn't it?

An incompatible electrical supply, and some other issues. That's why other Mk3 carriages haven't been converted to HST trailers without having to go through expensive and extensive overhaul.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by alan_508 at 16:34, 19th July 2009
The past few times I have travelled on this It has come to my attention that there are no phone chargers in the carriages unlike the hst sets anyone know why ??

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 17:34, 19th July 2009
Less money was spent on the refurb.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Mookiemoo at 18:32, 19th July 2009
Less money was spent on the refurb.


since an overnight train is surely the one most definitely likely to need chargers of some sort

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by JayMac at 01:52, 20th July 2009
I have successfully used the shaver point in the berths to power my laptop! You of course need a 3 pin to 2 pin adaptor.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 01:54, 20th July 2009

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Tim at 09:14, 20th July 2009
There are power sockets in the lounge car.

If you don't want your phoen to go flat whilst you are asleep turn it off.  A phone in a moving vehicle will run down much faster than one left at home.  Everytime it moves from one "cell" to another, it starts sending out quite high power tranmissions to try an attract the attention of another cell and this kills the battery life/. 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by willc at 00:03, 22nd June 2010
Don't think this has been posted elsewhere, so apologies if it has. Demand for sleeper berths is so strong that  FGW is adding a fourth sleeper coach to the train every night with a fifth coach on the Friday train to Penzance and the Sunday night return working, which probably means there's not much left by way of spare sleeper coaches in FGW's fleet. Time for a raid on Long Marston?

FGW news item:
Train operator First Great Western has increased the number of beds on its Night Riviera Sleeper trains, which operate between London Paddington and Penzance, by popular demand.
Business along the route is now doing so well that the number of sleeping cars has been increased from three to four every night, meaning a train can now sleep up to 60 customers in either direction, seeing the service likened to a mobile hotel. Key weekend trains on Friday night from London and Sunday night from Cornwall have even more beds, sleeping up to 75 customers.

The Night Riviera operates every Sunday to Friday, with one train running in either direction and customers are offered a hot breakfast to set them up for the day. With on-demand televisions in all single berths, First Great Western^s Regional Manager for the West of England, Julian Crow, thinks that train really is the best way to travel.

Julian added: ^We^re pleased with the continuing increase in popularity of our Night Riviera Sleeper trains and happy to announce these extra beds each night to meet the growing demand.

^This growing popularity shows how effective the sleeper service really is for travel between Cornwall and London, enabli
ng customers to sleep away the miles and arrive at their destinations refreshed and ready to face the day. ^

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by eightf48544 at 08:28, 22nd June 2010
Are there any sleepers in Long Marston?

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by willc at 10:06, 22nd June 2010
I think there were about half-a-dozen stored there last year. If anyone wants a look round Long Marston, there will be an open day on September 12. For more info, see the Diary section.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by JayMac at 14:14, 22nd June 2010
Are there any sleepers in Long Marston?

I should think so. Wooden ones, concrete ones, metal ones. Maybe even some of those new-fangled ones made from recycled plastic!! 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by inspector_blakey at 15:20, 22nd June 2010
Can't remember if there are any sleepers stored at Long Marston off hand, but there should certainly be plenty of mk 3 sleepers spare somewhere. BR built a fairly large number just before lots of sleeper services were permanently withdrawn, so there should still be plenty around that have barely turned a wheel in service. That's if they haven't all been snapped up yet by heritage railways for use as dormitory accommodation, which many of them have.

It's great to know that demand is so strong for the Night Riviera though, especially "in this economy" (hate that phrase!). Hopefully this bodes well for its future. Makes the threats to remove it when the franchise was renewed in 2006 look rather silly now.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by LiskeardRich at 15:25, 22nd June 2010
this is good news considering a couple of years ago there was large mention of the service being scrapped,

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Mookiemoo at 15:37, 22nd June 2010
Probably more to do with the cost of petrol and the cost of flights

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Cornish Traveller at 16:10, 22nd June 2010
  ......... and people finding out it exists !!! 

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by willc at 23:27, 22nd June 2010
Can't remember if there are any sleepers stored at Long Marston off hand, but there should certainly be plenty of mk 3 sleepers spare somewhere.

Beyond the ones in traffic with FGW and ScotRail, they're really aren't that many left that haven't been disposed of to preserved railways, which is why I mentioned Long Marston and there are a number still listed in store there by the ABRail database and The Junction

This one was photographed at the June 2009 Long Marston open day

The ones listed at Moreton-in-Marsh have probably been bashed about rather a lot by firefighters by now so I doubt they will turn a wheel again.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by woody at 17:50, 29th June 2010
Probably more to do with the cost of petrol and the cost of flights

Also the lack of improvement in daytime journey times over 30 odd years,indeed longer journey times in many cases on FGW have and will ensure the survival of the sleeper for many years to come I suspect.It is unlikely EVER that the route to Penzance will ever rival the daytime journey time improvements seen in the last few decades on the East and West coast routes.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 at 21:17, 29th June 2010
its not just that, time is money and if you can get where you need to while your asleep then why not

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by smokey at 18:32, 30th June 2010
its not just that, time is money and if you can get where you need to while your asleep then why not

A good quote at a Save Our Sleeper meeting I heard back in 2005,

My young Daughter gets on (the train) at Penzance, I'll get her a juice from the Bar and by Redruth she is in-bed asleep and wont wake till London.

To her that's 307 plus miles in less than half an hour.


Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by LiskeardRich at 12:49, 4th July 2010
the bbc have finally caught up 2 weeks later than the announcement
Page last updated at 09:48 GMT, Sunday, 4 July 2010 10:48 UK
The overnight service takes about eight hours from Penzance to London More carriages are being added to the sleeper train from Cornwall and Devon to London.

First Great Western said the move was necessary because of an increase in the demand for the "Night Riviera" service from Penzance to Paddington.

The company believes this is because people are trying to save money on London hotel costs.

Regional general manager, Julian Crow, said First Great Western is considering expanding the service further.

"We're watching carefully how business develops," he told BBC News.

Continue reading the main story This is a very good step forward
Julian Crow
First Great Western
 The sleeper carriages can now accommodate 60 passengers during the week and 75 at the weekend.

The weekday train leaves Penzance at about 2130, arriving at London Paddington at about 0530 the following morning.

Thousands of people signed a petition when the service came under threat in 2005.

It was running at a loss and had to rely on a ^5m annual subsidy from the Department of Transport, but when First Group was awarded the new franchise from April 2006, it said the service would be retained and extended.

"This is a very good step forward," Mr Crow said.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Mookiemoo at 20:35, 5th August 2010
I fly to the US on Monday 20th december.......flight leaves to early to travel up that morning.

Hotels near heathrow expensive or you end up paying a fortune in a taxi so I was thinking outside of the box.....

Where normally can you pick the sleeper up from - its december so the timetable is not out so  I can't look

I'm thinking rather than pay the fare to travel down on the sunday and pay for a hotel and taxis - to get the sleeper from somewhere since I've never been on it.  As I'll be going amtrak the next day, would be nice to do a direct comparison

Hell, I'll be getting it Sunday night so might even go as far as penzance to get it

I know, I'm turning sad
Just musing

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by devon_metro at 20:44, 5th August 2010
Taunton is your nearest, but you won't get to bed till about 2 in the morning!

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by JayMac at 20:55, 5th August 2010
No stop on the Sunday 'up' sleeper at Taunton, nearest would be Exeter, unless a Taunton stop is added in the winter timetable.

On current timetable (unlikely to be major changes in Dec) you would have a two hour plus wait at Exeter St Davids travelling down from Nailsea on the direct HST at 2106 arriving Exeter at 2219, with the up sleeper arriving at 0036 and departing for Paddington at 0127.

Better to make your way to Bristol and take the 2044 CrossCountry from Bristol TM to Plymouth arriving 2246 with the up sleeper due in at 2315.

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by Mookiemoo at 21:04, 5th August 2010
Can you get advance tickets on the sleeper?  The via bristol idea sounds good

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 at 21:24, 5th August 2010
i would say Exeter atleast you can be on board at a decent time

Re: Night Riviera sleeper service - Cornwall to London
Posted by vacman at 21:25, 5th August 2010
Can you get advance tickets on the sleeper?  The via bristol idea sounds good
yes you can get advance on the sleeper, why not go all the way to Penzance and get it from there and have a berth, you'll get a decent nights sleep then!

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