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Outstanding server / web site issues
As at 14th March 2025 09:47 GMT
Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 17:30, 2nd January 2025
There's a handful of issues arising from last weekend's work (surprised how few there are).

Firstly, our workhorse system IS still emailing messages out. But as it's now a backroom system and not known as "", various intermediate email relays are a bit worried about it ...
* Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname
* refused to talk to me: 550 Message rejected
* Connection refused
OK - something to work on.  At the weekend?

Second, the workhorse system has for some time had traps in there to row back if it gets silly numbers of requests from a single place. I have had to lift the definition of a "silly" number since nearly all requests are now coming from the receptionist server; ealier today it was screwed down a bit hard and members were being directed to the status server far too often.

Third, our shift from http to https has been noticed by crawlers such as Google. Good, indeed excellent as is means that they are reporting us in searches with an increase prominence.  However, to do so they have been downloading pages with some vigour to ensure they know all about us.  The initial shock in now over - however as I bring in more older resources and new ones [back] online (flows, maps, geolocation, etc) thes is atill going to be the odd load issue.  My monitoting code usually spots problems and lets me know, but that's not instant and there will be occasions where a broad and expensive resource is being indexing and it may cause an issue for a few hours. I DO have plenty of resource with the receptionist and if need be a lot of the public content can be served from there.

Fourth reported:
When I clicked on the 'Post' button on the post above, it threw me an error message

Warning: rename(./loggy2.txt,./loggy.txt): No such file or directory in /home/firstgreatwestern/httpdocs/coffeeshop/index.php on line 67

I'll leave Graham to work that one out!
That was only a warning and you can ignore it.  And I have told the server to now even tell you in the future.  It is / was caused by two visitors at exactly the same time trying to move a log file out of the way - the first succeeds and the second has been grumbling.

Also ... aware of the like system not echoing back in the page, the forum site style not being remembered, and acronyms not being expanded properly.  Searching and the easy access to our industry document archive need a look / check too.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by GBM at 20:24, 2nd January 2025
There's a handful of issues arising from last weekend's work (surprised how few there are).

Firstly, our workhorse system IS still emailing messages out. But as it's now a backroom system and not known as "", various intermediate email relays are a bit worried about it ...
* Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname
* refused to talk to me: 550 Message rejected
* Connection refused
OK - something to work on.  At the weekend?

Nope, still not receiving any email alerts.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 20:52, 2nd January 2025
Nope, still not receiving any email alerts.

Yep, I know.  We're sending them out but they're not being accepted.  Your email host is a fussy one and even before it gets to your email system it is almost certainly being refused.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by matth1j at 07:08, 3rd January 2025
Regarding the {LIKE} button(?), I'm not sure what used to happen (or even whether this has changed) but the current behaviour of just displaying a nearly empty page containing 'Your like has been registered' in the top left corner doesn't seem very friendly. You then have to use the browser back button to go back to the discussion, where there's no indication that the like has had any effect unless you refresh the page.

Would it be better/possible to get pressing {LIKE} to do whatever it needs to do to the forum data to record the like, then refresh the page? You would see that the like has worked, with no need to press 'back' or to refresh the page.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by matth1j at 07:12, 3rd January 2025
Would it be better/possible to get pressing {LIKE} to do whatever it needs to do to the forum data to record the like, then refresh the page? You would see that the like has worked, with no need to press 'back' or to refresh the page.

Ha - the 'unlike' button seems (marginally) better, in that it opens a new window to display a blank page containing '*', and the discussion window is updated. Presumably the like/unlike behaviour should be similar, in terms of opening windows?

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 07:50, 3rd January 2025
Regarding the {LIKE} button(?), I'm not sure what used to happen (or even whether this has changed) but the current behaviour of just displaying a nearly empty page containing 'Your like has been registered' in the top left corner doesn't seem very friendly. You then have to use the browser back button to go back to the discussion, where there's no indication that the like has had any effect unless you refresh the page.

Would it be better/possible to get pressing {LIKE} to do whatever it needs to do to the forum data to record the like, then refresh the page? You would see that the like has worked, with no need to press 'back' or to refresh the page.

There are - err - a couple of hidden issues here that make what looks like a straightforward fix into something that is far from straightforward.  There's a law or "unintended consequences" and I could easily introduce problems.   Current form (a bit irritating, but working without nasty side effects) needs to remain until I have a window of opportunity to work on fixing it.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by matth1j at 09:12, 3rd January 2025
Nope, still not receiving any email alerts.

Yep, I know.  We're sending them out but they're not being accepted.  Your email host is a fussy one and even before it gets to your email system it is almost certainly being refused.

I've never had any notifications, despite being subscribed to various Subjects I've posted in and the TransWilts Board. Have I got the same problem as GBM?

In my Profile / Notifications and Email, the top 3 settings are ticked, and the dropdown is set to 'Replies and moderation'.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by Phantom at 10:45, 3rd January 2025
I wasn't able to quote or reply to anything yesterday, but this seems to be resolved now

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 10:49, 3rd January 2025
I wasn't able to quote or reply to anything yesterday, but this seems to be resolved now

yes - that was probably to do with this:

Second, the workhorse system has for some time had traps in there to row back if it gets silly numbers of requests from a single place. I have had to lift the definition of a "silly" number since nearly all requests are now coming from the receptionist server; earlier today it was screwed down a bit hard and members were being directed to the status server far too often.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by Kernow Otter at 19:22, 3rd January 2025
Just wanted to say a 'Thank you' for all the effort that has gone into this.


Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by paul7575 at 11:04, 4th January 2025
Just noticed on the ‘look and feel’ selections, there’s some sort of artefact following the selected options about:

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 11:14, 4th January 2025
Just noticed on the ‘look and feel’ selections, there’s some sort of artefact following the selected options about:

Those are very scruffy highlights at present - as you click on an option the artefact moves to the thing you have selected

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by Richard Fairhurst at 13:47, 4th January 2025
Nope, still not receiving any email alerts.

Yep, I know.  We're sending them out but they're not being accepted.  Your email host is a fussy one and even before it gets to your email system it is almost certainly being refused.

I reluctantly gave up on the struggle recently and started using a third-party host to send transactional mails. I use Amazon's SES, which allegedly stands for "Simple Email Service" though nothing with AWS is ever simple. But it works and the emails get delivered, which means I no longer have to answer queries about "my registration email hasn't arrived, how do I log in". There are lots of alternatives which tend to be easier to set up, but at a higher per-email cost. is really good for diagnosing mail deliverability issues though not foolproof.

edit: AWS in this case isn't Automatic Warning System (prevents SPADs aka Signals Passed At Danger) but Amazon Web Services (prevents SPADs aka Server Panics And Dies).

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by GBM at 15:37, 4th January 2025
Currently still not receiving email notifications.
Just tried a bounce test for my internal mail, and that's working OK.

As matt1j says, I press LIKE. This takes me to a new page with 'like wot he said earlier', so have to press the back button to return to the current topic.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 09:31, 5th January 2025
Search is back in full glory - - loads of other buglet adjustments too.  Like system remains to be made less clunky; emails ARE going out but I still need to improve the "street cred" of our backroom server to help fussier mail recipient clients accept them.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 10:02, 5th January 2025
New and improved diary back and running at

Can I ask members as they post up date specific stuff to add a link to the Coffee Shop Calendar too please.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 22:21, 8th January 2025
The web site has been running very slowly today due to being very heavily loaded.   It's already started to improve and will do so even more during the night

I'm the one to "blame" - I added the 2023/24 passenger flow database to the five previous years which we already had, and I made their analysis https (secure), obvious and crawlable.  Ouch!

There are (only) so many possible pages, so I have our receptionist server caching them each time it passes back a new response in case it's called up again - it's so much more efficient to say "I know that one' rather than "I will ask for you".    At 3 O'clock this afternoon, all enquires were new and being passed through at great loads on the worker.  By 10 p.m., 11,000 requests had been made and already around 50% are being answered "trivially" from cache by the receptionist.   There IS some capacity on the worker (and plenty if we need it on the receptionist) so the issues of the last few hours are (as planned  ) on their way to being resolved.

We have another similar issue in due course in a couple of weeks time when I add in all the bus stops!

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 22:35, 8th January 2025
Have you never heard the expression, 'shooting yourself in the foot', grahame ?   

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 23:15, 8th January 2025
Have you never heard the expression, 'shooting yourself in the foot', grahame ?   

I have ... but this came as no surprise - in fact I'm glad I didn't have to start throttling it back.   

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 07:29, 9th January 2025
Have you never heard the expression, 'shooting yourself in the foot', grahame ?   

I have ... but this came as no surprise - in fact I'm glad I didn't have to start throttling it back.   

It's coping much better this morning - and 2 out of every 3 requests are being answered from the receptionist's cache.    Overall Coffee Shop requests yesterday (until 03:30 this morning):
307,599 requests to receptionist
231,213 of those forwarded by receptionist to worker
a further 20,396 direct to worker

There is other traffic on both machines - total web requests including other sites:
recpeptionist - 468,360
worker - 303,582
and as you might expect in any working relationship, there is other common reference to the same shared data sets out of the public (web) view.

Overall news for our users - steady as she goes.  Main stuff looking good for the future.

Please forgive me logging far more than is really useful to most of our members - it helps keep me sane(r) and be explaining what I am doing and why, it warns me if I'm doing something pretty darned crazy and helps me then make better choices.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by GBM at 11:24, 13th January 2025
Currently still not receiving email notifications.
Just tried a bounce test for my internal mail, and that's working OK.

As matt1j says, I press LIKE. This takes me to a new page with 'like wot he said earlier', so have to press the back button to return to the current topic.
Still no email notifications, and the same issue with the LIKE button.

If it helps, can use my gmail address instead of the BTinternet one.

Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 12:02, 5th February 2025
I am aware of a slowing of some page delivery recently - caused partly by a build up of logs from the work done over the new year and tracking how the sight is performing.  Also caused by my working some things out from scratch at each page call with less caching of results than before, and far higher robot traffic than we used to have now that we are https.   I have made some adjustment already and will be making more.  As I know what to look for, I'm seeing a difference; if you hadn't noticed the issue, you won't see any change - for you, we're fixing the issues before it breaks - preventative maintenance.

This - remains - really irritating - but remains for another few weeks to allow me to test ...
This is a test of GDPR / Cookie Acceptance [about our cookies]
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Re: Outstanding server / web site issues
Posted by grahame at 23:32, 7th February 2025
If you get this page anything other than VERY rarely, please let me know

Last year's code that quietly turned away aggressive robots needed tuning which I did this morning ... load has gone down (good) but I need to know if the occasional one I divert away is a real user

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