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Light Railway and Tram associations
As at 13th March 2025 17:55 GMT
Re: Light Railway and Tram associations
Posted by grahame at 13:01, 15th January 2025
A follow up ...

Tramway and Light Railway Society

About Us

The TLRS was formed in 1938 and caters for people interested in trams and tramways in all their forms, and is the leading society in the field of tramway modelling. The Society publishes a magazine Tramfare and has a number of Area Groups who meet regularly.

The Aims of the Society are:
* To bring together those interested in all aspects of tramways and light railways
* To encourage tramway modelling and to demonstrate such models
* To publish a magazine and other literature, and to maintain a library and archives of photos
* To hold meetings and arrange visits for members

The TLRS has a collection of large-scale and small-scale tram models some of which are historically important items. The TLRS also has an archive of over 170,000 photographs and 1,200 drawings related to trams and tramways, as well as many books and mazazines which are very useful when, say, researching for a new model.

Light Railway and Tram associations
Posted by grahame at 12:52, 15th January 2025

Not-For-Profit UK Based Light Rail Transit Association

The LRTA is a not–for–profit UK based organisation and has members throughout the world. Free of any trade or political affiliation; it is the world’s leading organisation concerned with the achievement of better public transport through light rail, tramway and metro systems in towns and cities world–wide.

All Members of Tram Liaison Committee societies (LRTA, TLRS, TMS and others) are welcome to attend the meetings of other such societies.

A need to sort out acronyms and abbreviations (CfN - I know - I have checked access to the pages on the new server and just confirmed it works - need to write up a reminder of how and reset passwords). This gem above struck me!

This Saturday - 18th January 2025 - Taunton 14.00. "AGM followed by members’ ’Show & Tell’ (TLRS)
West Monkton Village Hall, Monkton Heathfield, TA2 8NE Contact £2.00 incl. light refreshments"

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