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OTD - 3rd March 2012 - 2nd edition of GRIP published
As at 9th March 2025 22:15 GMT
OTD - 3rd March 2012 - 2nd edition of GRIP published
Posted by grahame at 02:22, 3rd March 2022
10 years of GRIP - 2nd edition - published 3rd March 2012

The GRIP (Governance for Railway Investment Projects process) is designed to ensure that money spent on rail improvements is well spent and that projects run to budget (and on time?) with no nasty surpises, with fair consultation and everyone considered along the way, and a clean pass over between the phases of an idea, an analysis of whether and how it should be done, planning, contracting, actually doing the work, checking it's properly done, testing and operation. Good idea, probably necessary, but at times it feels like an acursed set of hurdles and doesn't totally ensure the "on budget and on time" that we might like to see on rail projects.

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