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Fifteen years old site - and still current
As at 9th March 2025 22:48 GMT
Re: Fifteen years old site - and still current
Posted by grahame at 11:31, 29th January 2023
Over the last 28 days, here are the most visited pages on the Coffee Shop.  First stat on each report line is the number of views - second value is the number of unique views.

1. 9,771(15.82%) 3,326(7.44%)
This will be members coming to the forum and looking for a list of what they haven't seen yes, as a series of thread subects. 9771/3326 means that on average a member who has been here has been here has been 2.93 times.

2. 3,759(6.08%) 2,261(5.06%)
The "headline" / arrival page - guests and members will come here.  Only one in sixteen page views are here - an amazingly low proportion in my view and suggesting lots of guests as well as members who keep coming back. But see also rankings 4 and 5 below.

3. 3,629(5.87%) 1,578(3.53%) 
Predominantly members, I suspect, looking at the most recent posts.  Even more immediate than "unread" which was the most visited page, and once again a high ratio of page views to unique views, indicating that people (normally members) keep coming back here

4. 3,485(5.64%) 2,119(4.74%) 
5. 3,483(5.64%) 2,339(5.23%)
Home pages again, though typically not arrival pages. Members will transit these pages as they move from one area of the Coffee Shop to another.

6. 1,201(1.94%) 925(2.07%)
"Across The West" board - latest index / overview of pinned topic and topics with most recent additions

7.;start=0 662(1.07%) 443(0.99%) 
8.;start=10 577(0.93%) 477(1.07%)
The first of these is a duplicate name for No. 3 in the ranking - most recent pages. The second is when people click forward to look not at the most recent 10 contributions, but the ten that came before that.

9. 330(0.53%) 260(0.58%)
"Bristol (WECA) Commuters" board - latest index / overview of pinned topic and topics with most recent additions

10. 313(0.51%) 222(0.50%)
"Buses and other ways to travel" board - latest index / overview of pinned topic and topics with most recent additions

11. 304(0.49%) 226(0.51%)
"The lighter side" board - latest index of topics with most recent additions (no pinned topic(s) here!)

12. 290(0.47%) 217(0.49%) 
"TransWilts Line" board - latest index / overview of the (3) pinned topics and topics with most recent additions

13. 290(0.47%) 145(0.32%)
That's an odd one - goes to the home page; I'll go back to the low level logs and see where the page(s) are that point to it, and if they need changing.

14. 243(0.39%) 193(0.43%)
"The Wider Picture in the UK" board - latest index of topics with most recent additions (no pinned topic(s) here!)

15. 238(0.39%) 186(0.42%)
"Plymouth and Cornwall" board - latest index / overview of the (3) pinned topics and topics with most recent additions

16. 237(0.38%) 166(0.37%) 

17. 226(0.37%) 172(0.38%)
"Fares Fair" board - latest index / overview of the (2) pinned topics and topics with most recent additions

18.;start=20 225(0.36%) 193(0.43%) 
19.;all;start=0 220(0.36%) 172(0.38%)

20. 220(0.36%) 177(0.40%)
"Shorter Journeys in Devon" board - latest index / overview of the pinned topic and topics with most recent additions

Re: Fifteen years old site - and still current
Posted by grahame at 08:32, 29th January 2023
This forum's first post was made 15 years ago today:

Or, now, 16 years ago yesterday and we're into our 17th year!

From our backround pages this morning
Members logged in - last 8 and 24 hours - 17, 84
Members, threads, posts - 2908 , 24348, 327386

From Google analytics:
847 users in the last 7 days 3k sessions between them. Bounce rate 30.17%

Fifteen years old site - and still current
Posted by grahame at 10:00, 28th January 2022
This forum's first post was made 15 years ago today:

Hello and welcome!


This site has been set up for CUSTOMERS and WANNABE Customers of First Great Western so that they can exchange views, stories, suggestion - with the ultipmate objective of making positive feedback, actually having the customer listened to and heeded and perhaps coming up with a better rail service for us, and one that's better for the operator, the economy and the environment too.

How similar things look to me today, even in a very different world.  I had a long piece prepared, going further into current issues, but they have been very much covered in recent days and I would risk becoming a squeaky wheel rather than offering an oil can. So that piece is held back.

Although we have comparable issues today, we can look back with great pride at what the wider informed passenger and passenger-aware professionals have achieved.  Many issues remain, but many have not got worse where they could have done, and im many areas things have greatly improved.

If you are a new reader, please take a look around, sign up, comment, join us - we're still needed and going to be around a while yet.  And, just occasionally, we have achieved that original and still-valid objective.

The Coffee Shop forum is provided by customers of Great Western Railway (formerly First Great Western). The views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site at if you feel that the content provided by one of our posters contravenes our posting rules. Our full legal statment is at

Although we are planning ahead, we don't know what the future will bring here in the Coffee Shop. We have domains "" for w-a-y back and also ""; we can also answer to "" too. For the future, information about Great Brisish Railways, by customers and for customers.
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GWR trains from JourneyCheck
Code Updated 11th January 2025