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Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
As at 9th March 2025 22:36 GMT
Re: Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by BandHcommuter at 11:08, 12th March 2007
Correct on all counts. I'm impressed.  They were spread around a whole lot of lines - where is "the office"?

What an immense feeling of satisfaction, only hampered by the sad realisation that I must have spent far too much time on trains in the course of business and leisure. Indeed, only this morning I enjoyed a two way reversal at Newbury because of a points failure, followed by half an hour taking in the scenery at Theale while the traincrew sorted out a dodgy train door. It's very easy to gain a photographic memory of stations in these circumstances!

The office is in central London, by the way. Better go now, the boss is watching 

Re: Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by grahame at 15:16, 9th March 2007
Correct on all counts. I'm impressed.  They were spread around a whole lot of lines - where is "the office"?

Re: Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by BandHcommuter at 14:39, 9th March 2007
Some distraction for Friday lunchtime in the office - excellent idea. 

We thought:

Weston SM
Bristol TM
Dilton Marsh
Nailsea & Backwell
Swindon again

Re: Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by grahame at 04:52, 9th March 2007
Both Jim and Chris have got 5 exactly right so far. Yes, there *are* one of two that are not so easy. All pictures taken personally by myself in the last month, by the way.

Re: Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by Chris at 23:07, 8th March 2007
1. Melksham
2. Swindon platform 4
3. ?
4. Weston-Super-Mare
5. Bath?
6. Castle Cary?
7. Patchway?
8. ?
9. Nailsea & Backwell
10. Swindon

Some tricky ones in there..

Re: Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by Jim at 17:08, 8th March 2007
1: Melksham looking towards Swindon
2: Swindon P2 looking towarrds London
3: Taunton Platform 5? Looking towards Exeter
4: Weston Super Mare P2 looking towards Bristol TM
5: Bath Spa
6: Dilton Marsh looking towards Westbury
9: Nailsea & Backwell
10: Swindon

Guess the Station - a picture quiz.
Posted by grahame at 16:09, 8th March 2007
Some are easy, some are hard ....











Please follow up with your answers .... initially I'll give your scores but NOT which ones you have right or wrong

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