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Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
As at 9th March 2025 22:12 GMT
Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by grahame at 09:00, 4th March 2024
Reminded of this today - party because it came up when I searched the forum for " 4th Mar" because it was an otherwise quiet day. 

There is an irony in this coming up now.  Over the weekend, I answered a social media post that was burning bright with plenty of fuel being added by keyboard warriors ... not my ward, not my specialist subject, but over 40 posts in 12 hours and not a single other councillor nor staff member had jumped in.  Public loved my answer (and it straightened a lot of things) ... fellow councillors with the Conservatives and Lib Dems, and one of their mothers, suggested that I was being critical and unreasonable in hoping for a faster input from someone who has inside information about what's going on.  Sad really, but then everyone's batting hard to up their profile appearing in the local paper on all sorts of pretexts, some relating to projects they're little involved in.   Must be coming towards the end of the current council and we all have just a year to win the popularity stakes again - May '25 elections.

Thank you for being a WONDERFUL group of members here on the Coffee Shop.  We have issues with railways and transport and different views between ourselves but - worlds apart!

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by TerminalJunkie at 12:42, 27th February 2013
I am tempted to go for "Vexatious person", and add a note that for the purpose of this paragraph, "person" also includes a group of people.

You could save yourself a bit of trouble by using a noun with the same singular and plural form.

"Vexatious Sheep" doesn't really work, but "swine" might, though.

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by grahame at 10:51, 27th February 2013
Vexatious user.
Member?  In that they have to sign up to PM, notify, post etc...
Both of those sound much better than "interactor".

What about "vexatious use occurs when a member ..."?

Hmmm ... I'm in complete agreement that "interactor" is naff.  However, user / member / poster are all terms which could be argued by a vexatious person - "I don't consider myself to be a poster any longer because my account is locked - so you can't designate me as a vexatious poster".

I am tempted to go for "Vexatious person", and add a note that for the purpose of this paragraph, "person" also includes a group of people.

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by Worcester_Passenger at 04:14, 27th February 2013
Vexatious user.
Member?  In that they have to sign up to PM, notify, post etc...
Both of those sound much better than "interactor".

What about "vexatious use occurs when a member ..."?

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by TonyK at 21:36, 26th February 2013
Sorry, I was looking for the pedantry section (or should it be thread?) but I ended up here...

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by bobm at 10:21, 25th February 2013
Member?  In that they have to sign up to PM, notify, post etc...

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by eightf48544 at 09:48, 25th February 2013
Vexatious user.

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by grahame at 09:12, 25th February 2013
Can I suggest you change 'Interacter' to 'Poster'? It requires a bit less explanation!

You may ... and we considered that. However, we're also catching people who sign up to "bomb" people via p.m.s, notifys, etc - so we were looking for a more general term.   Suggestions for something better that "interacter" that gives the wide coverage are welcomed - it's not "poster", not really "contributor" either, but it could be something else.

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by TerminalJunkie at 08:59, 25th February 2013
Can I suggest you change 'Interacter' to 'Poster'? It requires a bit less explanation!

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by grahame at 08:36, 25th February 2013
At the risk of falling foul of the new rule, I feel obliged to point out that there is no agent noun for the verb "interact"; therefore "interacter" isn't a real word.

And even if it was, it would probably be spelt "interactor"...

Hi, TJ ... thanks ... better to get it accurate and we'll update it [within 24 hours?].   I'll be gobsmacked if anyone falls foul of it more than once in every five blue moons;  now's a good time to put in the safety net as there's nothing even on the horizon that might use it.

Re: Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by TerminalJunkie at 07:57, 25th February 2013
At the risk of falling foul of the new rule, I feel obliged to point out that there is no agent noun for the verb "interact"; therefore "interacter" isn't a real word.

And even if it was, it would probably be spelt "interactor"...

Forum agreement - addition of vexatious interacter
Posted by grahame at 07:45, 25th February 2013
The forum agreement (what you agree to when you join) has been amended, adding an extra paragraph which describes how we will handle a poster (or other party) who sets out to waste the moderators' and / or admins' time in the future.  We have no such cases ongoing at present (in fact I can only think of one or possibly two times it would have been considered in the past 7 years), but the subject came up when I was reviewing terms for another (new) interactive site I'm advising on, and I've learned the practise from the BBC and Local Ombudsman sites.

* See {here} for the modified agreement

* See {here} for a longer background on agreement changes from the standard (via my blog archive)

* This amendment comes into immediate effect for new registrants for the forum, and in 7 days from now (08:00 on 4th March 2013) for existing members.

For quick reference, here's the new paragraph.   Long may it remain unused!

A "vexatious interacter" is one who posts / acts in such as way as to increase the workload and stress on the web site operator, and the web site team supporting that operator.  The site operation and support team (including owner, programmers, administrators and moderators) will declare that a member or other party is a vexatious interacter in exceptional circumstances, and the team's decision as to what's exceptional will be final.  Any sanctions which the team feels appropriate to safeguard the site and its aims, or to reduce the support work overhead that such a vexatious interacter may generate, may be taken without the application of our standard rules, methods, courtesies or policies.  Vexatious interacters who wish to make a formal approach to the web site owners may do so in a letter sent via the Royal Mail, postage prepaid, to the address at which the domain is registered, and will be answered if appropriate within four weeks of the receipt of the letter.

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