30,000 threads - the Coffee Shop
As at 10th March 2025 04:51 GMT
Another milestone passed - topic number 30,000. There are just shy of 25,800 topics on the forum as around 13% have been merged and a tiny number - my guess is less than 1% - have been deleted. 1135 members have contributed with posts (920 making multiple posts) which total 356192 in number, no one member posting more than 12%.
I happen to have hit no. 30,000 on the agenda and call for TravelWatch SouthWest a week on Friday - 21st March 2025.
The Coffee Shop forum is provided by customers of Great Western Railway (formerly First Great Western). The views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit
https://www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site at
admin@railcustomer.info if you feel that the content provided by one of our posters contravenes our posting rules. Our full legal statment is at
Although we are planning ahead, we don't know what the future will bring here in the Coffee Shop. We have domains "firstgreatwestern.info" for w-a-y back and also "greatwesternrailway.info"; we can also answer to "greatbritishrailways.info" too. For the future, information about Great Brisish Railways, by customers and for customers.