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Old bus converted into 'exciting' school play space - Bristol, February 2025
As at 9th March 2025 22:25 GMT
Old bus converted into 'exciting' school play space - Bristol, February 2025
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 17:36, 18th February 2025
From the BBC:

An old double-decker bus has been donated to a primary school and upcycled into a new learning and play space.

First Bus gifted the vehicle to Blaise Primary and Nursery School, in Bristol, and helped to transform its upper deck into a classroom and the lower level into a play and meeting space.

Headteacher Massimo Bonaddio said it has been an "exciting" addition to the playground and explained it had inspired conversations on sustainability with the students.

Pupil Steven said he enjoyed using the new space everyday and sits on the beanbags to read.

"I come in here everyday and just read a book or help people colour," he said. "If the beanbags are free I just chill out."

Pupil Mason said it is a great place to have a chat with his friends.  "You can read books, you can sit down, you could colour or workout some word searches," he said.

Mr Bonaddio said everyone was "extremely grateful" for the donation.  "I'm not sure who is more excited about having this converted bus space on site, myself and staff team, or the pupils," he said.  "Anything that makes them more engaged and love school is great.  Almost like a by-product of it, is it's giving us an opportunity to get children used to buses and travel and leads to conversations on sustainability."

First Bus said the donation is part of an ongoing programme to upcycle old vehicles and support local community activities.

Doug Claringbold, managing director of First Bus in the west of England, said it was great to see a part of the company "taking pride of place" at the school. "As with all vehicles there comes a time when they reach the end of their life, so we couldn't be prouder seeing this local double decker recycled and given a new lease of life for such a good cause," he said.

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