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The User Group onion
As at 13th March 2025 17:51 GMT
The User Group onion
Posted by grahame at 17:14, 11th January 2025
Who represents the public transport passenger - now and in the future?  Here in Melksham - as in villages, town and cities all around the United Kingdom, there are groups ranging from those involved with a single bus stop through to national and international ones. 

1. Melksham Transport User Group -
2. (rail) West Wiltshire Rail User Group -
3a. TravelWatch SouthWest -
3b. (mostly rail) Great Western Coffee Shop Forum -
4. Campaign for Better Transport -
5. European Passengers' Federation -

It's rather like the rings on an onion

More at

Do we need them all? Does each have its place and function? Yes - I believe it does - or at least there is a need for customer representation at all geographic levels, on current and future services too, and on all modes of transport.

Re: The User Group onion
Posted by ChrisB at 17:19, 11th January 2025
You omitted Transport Focus / London Travelwatch - they do both still have statutory duties for passengers
Rail Ombudsman

Re: The User Group onion
Posted by grahame at 18:47, 11th January 2025
You omitted Transport Focus / London Travelwatch - they do both still have statutory duties for passengers
Rail Ombudsman

Transport Focus is in the article's footnote to explain.  It is not a user group - it is a statutory body that is under the control of statute and does what HMG has told it.  Same for the Ombudsman - the one time I asked them to look into something they told me (very nicely) that it's not in their jurisdiction which confirms it's not really doing whatever the passenger groups mandate - it's doing what Heidi and her team tell it.   London TravelWatch is also a statutory body.   It's also nothing to do with Wiltshire.

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Code Updated 11th January 2025