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Where do people go from Woodhall (WDL) station
As at 4th March 2025 04:42 GMT
See here for an explanation
 Destination2018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24Change (%)
 Grand total - journeys to and from Woodhall45258429964428279263711447208104.3
1Glasgow Central - 981314854134621430111701509620064135.1
2Paisley Gilmour Street - 968353625470708368642826094113.7
3Cardonald - 9624368227322187961454102427.8
4Greenock Central - 96813382299021413141644167849.6
5Greenock West - 96822844243212813541516133647.0
6Port Glasgow - 96672076231018290895496246.3
7Gourock - 9635179218185611401232172896.4
8Cartsdyke - 96809561212506467681254131.2
9Paisley St James - 9664836578034467282899.0
10Hillington West - 9630744104646129261034139.0
 Grand total - journeys to and from Woodhall100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%
1Glasgow Central - 981332.8%31.3%32.3%40.0%40.7%42.5%
2Paisley Gilmour Street - 968311.8%12.7%16.0%13.2%11.5%12.9%
3Cardonald - 96248.1%6.4%4.9%2.9%3.9%2.2%
4Greenock Central - 96817.5%7.0%4.8%4.7%4.4%3.6%
5Greenock West - 96826.3%5.7%2.9%4.8%4.1%2.8%
6Port Glasgow - 96674.6%5.4%4.1%3.3%2.6%2.0%
7Gourock - 96354.0%4.2%1.3%4.1%3.3%3.7%
8Cartsdyke - 96802.1%2.8%1.1%2.3%2.1%2.7%
9Paisley St James - 96641.8%1.3%0.0%1.2%1.8%1.8%
10Hillington West - 96301.6%2.4%0.1%2.2%2.5%2.2%

About this data

The data in the tables above is the ticketing data released under an open data license by the Rail Delivery Group covering the period from 1st April one year to 31st March the following year and should be read in conjunction with the caveats described by the Office of Rail and Road concerning their ticket sales estimates for each year. [ cached ]

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Code Updated 11th January 2025